
September 26

It's Friday and I'm exhausted. However, I've downed a couple of brewskies and I'm feeling pretty good. Unfortunately, my blood alcohol level prevents me from writing in anything but point form. So here it goes:
  • Evelyn Lau was magical. My writers are everyone else's celebrities, I get ridiculous around them. It was like when I met Heather O'Neil. I completely froze and stared in wonder, forced out some awkward conversation and asked her to sign my book. I can't help but revere writers, I just think what they do and how they do it is so fascinating. Anyway, the point is Evelyn was amazing and I have another signed book to add to my awesome collection. Go me.
  • I'm working at Rape Relief tomorrow.
  • Vancouver Internation Film Festival + Two free passes for any of the films = What movies will I decided to go to?!
  • One day I'll have money and I'll buy tickets to see Lykke Li at the end of October.
  • I'm looking forward to drinking another beer and watching Dead Ringers, which I'm going to go do now.
Loves you!


Shali said...

I just ordered Evelyn Lau's book, "Runaway: Diary of a Street Kid" from the library. And the documentary, "This is Not a Love Story" by Naomi Klein's mom. I saw Naomi Klein last night and she was absolutely brilliant. The documentary is about the pornography industry.

Sidenote about Naomi's mom, Bonnie: When she was in her 40s, she had a couple of strokes and wound up a quadripalegic. But her husband refused to give up on her and fought for the best medical care and now she's somewhat mobile and an activist for living with disability! So many amazing women in the world!

charity dawn said...

oh! i'm really interested in seeing Boonie Klein's documentary.