
November 22

Today was the most exhausting day ever. Who knew hand stitching for eight hours straight could be so tiresome? I didn't. I've watched my grandmother hand stitch a quilt while taking care of my sick grandfather AND making supper all at the same time without even blinking an eye!! Oh, how I dream of being equally fabulous...

On the up side - the Rape Relief project is done. C'est fini! And I'm so happy I got to be a part of the project. Now something that I pored my blood (literally), sweat (also meant in a very literal sense), and tears (which, thankfully were not shed) will be displayed at the Vancouver Art Gallery. Go me.

Now I'm going to try and watch the Marriage of Maria Braun by Fassbinder but I'm pretty sure I'll be fast asleep within fifteen minutes. Fassbinder is one of my top ten favorite directors, so here's hoping I make it through at least an hour of the film.


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