
November 2

sometimes things can get a little out of hand

The Sunday has been taken with rain and I'm feeling quiescent. Matt, Tom and I just got back from a walk to the grocery store and now Matt's in the kitchen making Sheppard's Pie. Maybe it's the ginger tea I'm drinking, or the fact that I don't have to make supper but I feel that it's been a very successful, reposeful Sunday. And after the craziness of these past few weeks, I couldn't be happier.

So what have I been up to, you ask? Well, a few things. I went and saw Lykke Li on Tuesday while simultaneously celebrating Cynthia's birthday. It was an amazing show and a super fun night. Erin, Janina, Nathalie, Cynthia and I all put on our best faces and got a little crazy. We danced, we drank whiskey and mouthed off more than we probably should have. I also purchased what is now one of my most cherished articles of clothing at the show.

Halloween was fun. Nick, Cynthia and I all carved our pumpkins with great pride and transformed the house into a haunted mansion James Whale would have been proud of. I dressed up like a zombie. There were a few plot holes in my costume, like how I got the screw stuck in my head backwards, but I figure people would be too busy running in terror from me to even wonder in the first place. I spent most of the night hiding in the bush in front of our house, ravenous for unsuspecting little kid brains. Cynthia, in her Mistress of Death costume, handed out candy. I think overall we put on a pretty good show. Like I said before, we made two kids cry and one scrawny little coward run away. Unfortunately we didn't get as many kids as we thought we would and now we are living off a large supply of Tootsie Rolls and Satrburst candies.

Last night we went glow in the dark bowling for Cynthia's post-birthday celebration, which was super fun. My butt muscles hurt like a mother today but it's worth it. I forgot how much fun bowling can be. We also went out for Mexican food, which was unfortunately a little less spectacular than the bowling but we had a pretty nice group of people so it was good to get out and see people we don't normally see on a regualr basis.

Other than those big things my days have been filled with many little things, like working, going to the library and walking Tom around Trout Lake. I'm sure there are some things that I'm missing but I want to go and make a playlist in iTunes that reminds me of quaint winter cottages, snow and curling up in front of the fireplace with a hot mug of rooibos tea (in celebration of November).

Some asides:
  • the Breeders are playing here in a few days. Should I spend money I don't really have to go see them?
  • I got a book out from the library called 'Bukowski in Pictures', which I look at at least five times a day.
  • Going to see Let the Right One In tomorrow. Very excited about this film.
  • I also need to see this movie.
  • My parents booked tickets for their west coast Christmas visit. Woo!
  • I've been listening to a lot of Sarah Vaughn. She gets me in the mood for winter.

Ok. Love you guys!

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