this is the chinatown night market. i stole this picture from the internet because i dropped my camera and broke it. someone please buy me a new one so i can take pictures of all my adventures for you guys. pretty please?
I'm thinking about changing the name of my blog to
What Charity is Eating in Vancouver because I have been eating so much good food since I've been here. Let's see now. I've had cheap and yummy Japanese, and a couple of Middle Eastern chicken shawarmas. I went to the
Chinatown Night Market and ate some grilled squid, pork dumplings and Korean style BBQ corn. Oh. And passion calpis bubble tea. I've also gone for supper at a very authentic Italian resturant where I had pasta with sauteed mushrooms, olives and capers in a creamy tomato sauce which I topped off with Nutella flavored gelato from a gelato shop that has 218 flavors of gelato. My favorite so far is the steamed buns with vegetables from New Town Market in Chinatown. So doughy and delicious. I know I've eaten more but I can't recall what else. See, all the food in my belly slows down my brain and makes thinking difficult.
Anyway, that's all I've really been doing lately is eating and getting ready for the move. We went to Home Depot today (where I promptly started to miss my Mom) and bought some cleaning supplies, a new toilet seat and lots of cocking. Yes, many
cock jokes ensued while buying the cocking. I know you wouldn't expect any less from me.
Nic and Cynthia are just about packed up and Matt and I are heading to Penticton tomorrow to pick up the rest of our stuff. We'll only being staying one night, which is unfortunate but we have so much to do when we get back.
So that's about it for now. I miss everyone and we'll be chatting again before you know it.
please send me your steamed buns
sorry to hear about your camera :(
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