The other night I had a strange dream. You know, one of those dreams that lingers in your mind for days. I've decided to exercise it from my brain by sharing it with you. Feel free to draw whatever conclusions you might have about me and my subconscious.
For whatever reason I am at my previous place of employment. An office. It's different from what I remember, there are few people I recognize and more employees than before. I decide they are students, suckers for the summer, working quietly away barely noticing me. As I make my way through the desks and computers I see someone I think I know, the legal assistant. Her back is to me and as I reach down to touch her shoulder I realize it's not who I thought. The girl turns towards me, confused.
I turn quickly, relieved by the distraction.
There's the CFO of the company, in a small room on the floor, leading a yoga class. Wow, this place has really progressed since I left, I think to myself.
"What are you doing here?" he asks.
I blink a moment, forgetting exactly why I'm here. "I came to see Nadine," I said, knowing it was a lie but unsure of anything more appropriate to say.
"Nadine doesn't work here anymore," he tells me as he pulls his left leg close to his face. The others in the room, more people I don't recognize, follow his lead. I nod and leave, embarrassed by all the spandex.
Suddenly I'm downstairs. I quickly say hello to the president of the company as he walks through the lobby, pretending to have important things to do. I know better but am relieved I don't have to try and explain why I'm back at the office, which is still a mystery to me.
Then my nose starts to run. This is normal. My nose is always runny. I keep wiping it with my hand, as I usually do. I realize after the third or fourth swipe my hand is covered with thick, creamy snot. I notice then it's also all over my shirt. I run to the washroom wondering how long I've been walking around covered in my own slime.
As I look in the mirror, preparing to take care of business, I realize that my nose has swollen up with snot. Not like regular snot or even head-cold snot but snot that's thick and whipped like butter. I tilt my head up to get a better look. Yup, looks exactly like butter, nostrils full to the brim. As I tilt my head back down I realize my nose and upper lip have grown and enlarged, swollen and grotesque. I lift my upper lip up to assess the situation further and there's a lump the size of a golf ball surrounded by a mess of tiny blood vessels, a little blood-red octopus with a thousand miniture tentacles.
This is bad.
As I leave the bathroom, deciding I can make my way to the walk-in clinic, I can feel my little cephalopod bounce and squirm with each step. This feeling makes me nauseas and sends panic up my throat, closing it over. I try to stay calm, pretending this weird lump is nothing serious. But I can't breathe and the clinic is in Dartmouth. Just stay calm, I think. Everything is going to be ok.
Then I wake.
(I think it's a sign from my subconscious telling me that I am allergic to work).
June 27
Today, I trimmed my bangs, ran over my sunglasses with the Trooper and put Tom in the shopping cart at Home Depot.
Yea, you read that right. It was cute at first and I was just trying to be efficient but then Matt got mad at me for being so ridiculous. See, dogs are allowed in Home Depot here and the first few trips with Tom were fun and he's always so good but this particular trip we were purchasing an entire house worth of supplies and it ended up being a giant clusterfuck. So to say the least Tom won't be coming on any trips to Home Depot for a while.
Anyway, today was another busy day. I finished cleaning the kitchen (finally) and now it just needs a couple of coats of pretty red paint. We also tore the bile colored plastic tiles off the wall in the bathroom and Matt and Nic started to lay the new white tile. The first coat of paint went up on my bedroom walls today. Tomorrow the second coat will finish it off and I'll be able to put together my bed.
Now besides finishing the bathroom and painting our bedrooms, the only thing left to do is sweep and mop the floors. There's other small things that need to be done and more walls that need to be painted but that can all wait until we are settled in. Now we just have to get the rest Nic and Cynthia's stuff moved from their little apartment and we'll be pretty much set.
Oh yea, and one of these days I have to start looking for a job. Feck.
Well, I'm off to drain the juice out of my blisters. I'm planning on saving all my blister juice in jar for Natalie. She likes that sorta thing.
Please send us lots of luck and love while we try to finish this stuff off!
Hugs and kisses.
Yea, you read that right. It was cute at first and I was just trying to be efficient but then Matt got mad at me for being so ridiculous. See, dogs are allowed in Home Depot here and the first few trips with Tom were fun and he's always so good but this particular trip we were purchasing an entire house worth of supplies and it ended up being a giant clusterfuck. So to say the least Tom won't be coming on any trips to Home Depot for a while.
Anyway, today was another busy day. I finished cleaning the kitchen (finally) and now it just needs a couple of coats of pretty red paint. We also tore the bile colored plastic tiles off the wall in the bathroom and Matt and Nic started to lay the new white tile. The first coat of paint went up on my bedroom walls today. Tomorrow the second coat will finish it off and I'll be able to put together my bed.
Now besides finishing the bathroom and painting our bedrooms, the only thing left to do is sweep and mop the floors. There's other small things that need to be done and more walls that need to be painted but that can all wait until we are settled in. Now we just have to get the rest Nic and Cynthia's stuff moved from their little apartment and we'll be pretty much set.
Oh yea, and one of these days I have to start looking for a job. Feck.
Well, I'm off to drain the juice out of my blisters. I'm planning on saving all my blister juice in jar for Natalie. She likes that sorta thing.
Please send us lots of luck and love while we try to finish this stuff off!
Hugs and kisses.
June 26
Two days of straight cleaning and I'm not even finished the kitchen yet. So far I have encountered about 60 years of dirt and grime, a bit of mouse shit, and a newfound love of Scotch-brite pads. I can also feel my right arm quickly growing larger from all of the scrubbing I've been doing. My scrubbing muscles would make my momma proud.
I'm a little worried about getting all this cleaning done in a reasonable amount of time and so far my bedroom is the last on the list of things to do. Considering, as of July 1st, I will have nowhere else to sleep I would like to have my bedroom put together. Or at least the bed. But I still have to finish the kitchen and start the bathroom, find some place to put all of the crap that's presently in my bedroom and paint my bedroom walls. It's discouraging because every project that we start opens up a whole new can of worms and a job that should only have taken an hour takes a day.
Oh well, I guess that's what we get for wanting a fixer-upper.
Anyway, my finger tips are sore from all of my cleaning and each button I press causes little sharp pains to shoot up my hand. So I'm going to stop typing.
Love you all, etc., etc.
I'm a little worried about getting all this cleaning done in a reasonable amount of time and so far my bedroom is the last on the list of things to do. Considering, as of July 1st, I will have nowhere else to sleep I would like to have my bedroom put together. Or at least the bed. But I still have to finish the kitchen and start the bathroom, find some place to put all of the crap that's presently in my bedroom and paint my bedroom walls. It's discouraging because every project that we start opens up a whole new can of worms and a job that should only have taken an hour takes a day.
Oh well, I guess that's what we get for wanting a fixer-upper.
Anyway, my finger tips are sore from all of my cleaning and each button I press causes little sharp pains to shoot up my hand. So I'm going to stop typing.
Love you all, etc., etc.
June 22
Anyway, that's all I've really been doing lately is eating and getting ready for the move. We went to Home Depot today (where I promptly started to miss my Mom) and bought some cleaning supplies, a new toilet seat and lots of cocking. Yes, many cock jokes ensued while buying the cocking. I know you wouldn't expect any less from me.
Nic and Cynthia are just about packed up and Matt and I are heading to Penticton tomorrow to pick up the rest of our stuff. We'll only being staying one night, which is unfortunate but we have so much to do when we get back.
So that's about it for now. I miss everyone and we'll be chatting again before you know it.
June 20
Ten more days and we'll be in our new place!
Nick and Cynthia have begun packing up their apartment and we've all been doing a lot of thinking about where things will be going and what rooms will be designated what. The place needs a lot of love and we'll all have a busy summer taming the jungle that is currently our backyard, painting and general repairs but we're all pretty stoked to have found a place that gives us the option to do that. Our landlord is also really sweet and has agreed to let us do the work and he'll reimburse us for all the things here and there that we decide to do. I think he's pretty happy that he found a group of suckers happy to do the work for free.
Anyway, we have lots of stuff to do (like go to Ikea) so I've got to run. Here are the pictures of our new house. It might look like a dump now but I guarantee in six months it will be our little sanctuary in the middle of the city.
Love you guys!
Up next: Finding a job...
Nick and Cynthia have begun packing up their apartment and we've all been doing a lot of thinking about where things will be going and what rooms will be designated what. The place needs a lot of love and we'll all have a busy summer taming the jungle that is currently our backyard, painting and general repairs but we're all pretty stoked to have found a place that gives us the option to do that. Our landlord is also really sweet and has agreed to let us do the work and he'll reimburse us for all the things here and there that we decide to do. I think he's pretty happy that he found a group of suckers happy to do the work for free.
Anyway, we have lots of stuff to do (like go to Ikea) so I've got to run. Here are the pictures of our new house. It might look like a dump now but I guarantee in six months it will be our little sanctuary in the middle of the city.
Love you guys!
Up next: Finding a job...
June 18

So you will all be happy to hear that I've checked two goals off my list. After a minor rigamaroll I got my cell number changed over to a B.C. number. I also got a good taste of the famous Vancouver-style customer service that my friends here have been raving about. I personally love it when the customer service representative uses the word retarded in reference to one of her co-workers in front of customers. Very professional.
Matt and I spent all day Monday zipping about on our bikes looking for houses for rent. Oddly enough we didn't come across a single for rent sign. However, when we got home Matt found a house for rent on Craigslist that had only been posted for about thirty minutes. When he called the guy told him he could go take a look at it at anytime since there was no one living there and that if we wanted we could meet with him the next day to talk about the place. When Nick and Cynthia got home we hopped in the truck and took a drive over to look at the place. We all did our best not to look creepy and suspicious snooping around the empty house. The four of us all got pretty excited about it. It has a huge backyard and a garage, a driveway and a very authentic retro look.
The next day Matt called the guy and asked if we could meet with him earlier than planned and he agreed. Matt, Cynthia and I met up and rummaged up some money for a damage deposit and went to meet our potential landlord. To make a long story short we all fell in love instantly. The place was exactly what we were looking for. It has a huge basement for Matt and Nick to jam and store tools and just do general man stuff. The upstairs has two bedrooms of fairly equal size and the cutest little kitchen with these great retro style metal kitchen cabinets. The back yard was the big seller, it has so much potential and is HUGE in terms of backyards in Vancouver.
Anyway, we all put the charm on and told the guy we'd be willing to do some work on the place. We bragged about Nick's knack for painting and drywalling and Matt's talent for carpentry. We also told him we were all East Coasters and he seemed genuinely excited about that. He said we seemed like great people and then offered the place to us! So July 1st we'll be moving in.
The house is a little more expensive than we were planning on paying but with the rental market being as competitive as it is in Vancouver we had to take it. The place was also just within the area we wanted to stay in and it's on a nice quiet little tree lined street which will be such a change from the place we are at now. I'm really tired of being woken up every night by hollering hookers and trucks busting by. My eyeballs hurt from being kept up all night.
Anyway, Matt and I are planning on going for a bike ride along the seawall and maybe heading over to Granville Island for the day, so I should get my little white ass out of bed and get ready.
Love you all and talk to you soon!
Matt and I spent all day Monday zipping about on our bikes looking for houses for rent. Oddly enough we didn't come across a single for rent sign. However, when we got home Matt found a house for rent on Craigslist that had only been posted for about thirty minutes. When he called the guy told him he could go take a look at it at anytime since there was no one living there and that if we wanted we could meet with him the next day to talk about the place. When Nick and Cynthia got home we hopped in the truck and took a drive over to look at the place. We all did our best not to look creepy and suspicious snooping around the empty house. The four of us all got pretty excited about it. It has a huge backyard and a garage, a driveway and a very authentic retro look.
The next day Matt called the guy and asked if we could meet with him earlier than planned and he agreed. Matt, Cynthia and I met up and rummaged up some money for a damage deposit and went to meet our potential landlord. To make a long story short we all fell in love instantly. The place was exactly what we were looking for. It has a huge basement for Matt and Nick to jam and store tools and just do general man stuff. The upstairs has two bedrooms of fairly equal size and the cutest little kitchen with these great retro style metal kitchen cabinets. The back yard was the big seller, it has so much potential and is HUGE in terms of backyards in Vancouver.
Anyway, we all put the charm on and told the guy we'd be willing to do some work on the place. We bragged about Nick's knack for painting and drywalling and Matt's talent for carpentry. We also told him we were all East Coasters and he seemed genuinely excited about that. He said we seemed like great people and then offered the place to us! So July 1st we'll be moving in.
The house is a little more expensive than we were planning on paying but with the rental market being as competitive as it is in Vancouver we had to take it. The place was also just within the area we wanted to stay in and it's on a nice quiet little tree lined street which will be such a change from the place we are at now. I'm really tired of being woken up every night by hollering hookers and trucks busting by. My eyeballs hurt from being kept up all night.
Anyway, Matt and I are planning on going for a bike ride along the seawall and maybe heading over to Granville Island for the day, so I should get my little white ass out of bed and get ready.
Love you all and talk to you soon!
June 15
Today I bought a $3 bracelet made of wood and shells, made fun of hippies and ate a Caribbean veggie patty that I washed down with a drink called Ting. I also said 'that's hilarious' about 468 times, looked at the cutest little apartment and went to a birthday dinner at a Malaysian restaurant. And I may or may not have wished that a certain landlord who only wants to rent his house to a maximum of three adults because of hot water issues choke on his own tongue.
I've had a busy day.
So now that the weekend is over it's time to get to work. Here are some things I'm hoping to do this week:
Here's to making the most out of my days here in Vancouver.
Huge hugs and kisses to my dad and two brothers on Father's Day.
Love you fart faces!
I've had a busy day.
So now that the weekend is over it's time to get to work. Here are some things I'm hoping to do this week:
- Bike around the Eastside with Matt looking for houses for rent
- Get a new phone number
- Look into volunteering at Women Against Violence Against Women or the Vancouver Rape Relief & Women's Shelter
- Meet up with a friend I haven't seen in 12 years
- Go see the Happening
- Polish up the resume
Here's to making the most out of my days here in Vancouver.
Huge hugs and kisses to my dad and two brothers on Father's Day.
Love you fart faces!
June 14
It's a beautiful Saturday afternoon. I'm sitting in the living room of my new Vancouver apartment on the corner of Broadway and Fraser. I can hear the city sounds bouncing around the streets, cars honking, people talking, bicycles zipping by. It's a busy little corner with a video store across the street and laundry service that folds your underwear into tight little squares. There's also, what seems to be an infinite number of restaurants and cafes in this neighborhood.
And I can't stop smiling.
Matt and I got into Vancouver yesterday afternoon and we've already been to Gastown, Stanley Park, East Hastings and Robson Street. We've seen Chinatown and bought groceries in the East Indian district. I've eaten a Kitsilano cookie from a cafe called Death by Chocolate and the most delicious chicken shawarma I've ever consumed from this little Middle Eastern joint just a few blocks away. And there's still so much to see and eat. I'm going to become the fattest little lady you ever laid eyes on.
Both Matt and I are so happy to finally be here. After a year of planning and saving and maybe even a little fighting, we are finally here and ready to start our life in a new city.
Tom seems a little confused and I think he misses his grandparents out east. There's also two cats that he has to learn to live with. But I'm hoping that he'll learn to adjust and enjoy his new home in Vancouver. It's been a long two weeks for our little fuzz man but I'm sure once we all get into a routine he'll be as happy as a pig in shit...or dog... or whatever.
Anyway, I just want to quickly thank everyone we stayed with along the way and everyone at home who helped us get out here. Everything that you've contributed, big or small, has helped in enormous ways and Matt, Tom and I are eternally grateful for everyone's love and support.
And don't worry. I'll keep updating.
Love you guys and we will be chatting very soon!
And I can't stop smiling.
Matt and I got into Vancouver yesterday afternoon and we've already been to Gastown, Stanley Park, East Hastings and Robson Street. We've seen Chinatown and bought groceries in the East Indian district. I've eaten a Kitsilano cookie from a cafe called Death by Chocolate and the most delicious chicken shawarma I've ever consumed from this little Middle Eastern joint just a few blocks away. And there's still so much to see and eat. I'm going to become the fattest little lady you ever laid eyes on.
Both Matt and I are so happy to finally be here. After a year of planning and saving and maybe even a little fighting, we are finally here and ready to start our life in a new city.
Tom seems a little confused and I think he misses his grandparents out east. There's also two cats that he has to learn to live with. But I'm hoping that he'll learn to adjust and enjoy his new home in Vancouver. It's been a long two weeks for our little fuzz man but I'm sure once we all get into a routine he'll be as happy as a pig in shit...or dog... or whatever.
Anyway, I just want to quickly thank everyone we stayed with along the way and everyone at home who helped us get out here. Everything that you've contributed, big or small, has helped in enormous ways and Matt, Tom and I are eternally grateful for everyone's love and support.
And don't worry. I'll keep updating.
Love you guys and we will be chatting very soon!
June 11
Well, I suppose some of you are probably anxious to hear how the last few days of the trip have been. Unfortunately, I’ve been busy unwinding from life on the road and have been unable to conjure up that magical blogging mojo you all know so well. So tonight, as I sit in my grandmother’s living room, I have mustered up what I can and will try my best to fill you all in.
So the last time we spoke, the Skingerts were in Edmonton getting ready to set out on the road once again. The drive to Calgary was uneventful. It was your run of the mill three hour drive through cowboy country.
We stopped in Calgary for a quick visit with some of my family. What I had originally thought would be a short afternoon with my Aunt Jen and Uncle George actually turned out to be somewhat of a small family reunion. Aunt Jen, knowing that I would be showing up (later than she expected unfortunately), had invited over her daughter Laurie and Laurie’s two sons Benjamin and Nathaniel, as well as my dear cousin Jolene and her husband Justin. It was such a great visit because it had been easily at least ten years since I had seen Laurie and her family and probably about seven years since I had last seen Jolene. It was particularly nice to visit with Jolene because when we both lived in P.E.I. many moons ago we used to spend a good deal of time together. It was also wonderful to see my Aunt Jen. Unfortunately, my Uncle George, who is one of my most favorite people on earth had left for P.E.I. the day before we got there, so I had missed him by one day.
So after a visit that was much too short we left and decided that we would head towards Banff and stay at one of the campsites there. Once we got to Banff, however, we realized we still had a good hour or so of driving left in us so we wound up driving to Lake Louise and spent the night there.
Lake Louise was not what I had hoped it would be. Although staying overnight in the Rockies was amazing. To be surrounded by such wonders of nature is indescribable. Unfortunately, it was rainy and freezing and all but one of the campsite’s washrooms were closed so it was at least a ten minute walk to take a shit. We had kind of been discussing the possibility of staying in the Rockies one more night but the weather and lack of facilities inspired us to make the push to Penticton.
So about six hours after leaving Lake Louise on Monday morning we were in Penticton hanging out with my grandmother.
The drive here was amazing and the truck handled the tightly wound roads and steep hills better than we had hoped. Actually, I had remembered the drive through the mountains as being more treacherous but the roads were probably some of the best roads we traveled on in all of Canada. We were also lucky because the weather was nice and we got a pretty clear view of the mountains as we drove through.
So far our stay in Penticton has been incredible, in a relaxing and rejuvenating way. Matt and I have spent most of our time chatting with Oma and being fed delicious meals, like roasts and lamb chops and home-made sausages. Matt has also been spending a lot of time helping Oma with her computer. She had a few viruses and what not but Matt has stepped in and exterminated them in his very thorough and diligent way.
Matt and I were also lucky enough to go for a long bike ride on the Trans Canada Trail through the mountains towards Naramata. It’s a beautiful trail through vineyards and orchards with a breath taking view of the mountains and Okanagan Lake. It was also an incredibly hot day with short bursts of rain, so just when you thought you couldn’t bike any further the sky opened up and unleashed a few moments of rain just long enough to cool you off again. It’s moments like these that make me so excited to be living in B.C.
Tom is also enjoying his stay here, visiting with his great grandmother. She really won him over when she sacrificed one of her small rugs for him to lay on and cover with fur. Unfortunately, Tom has acquired a taste for west coast grass and to his embarrassment, his over indulgence resulted in a small puke fest in the living room. So, Matt, Oma and I entertained ourselves while he was bathed in the wash basin in the back yard. I have to say, there is nothing funnier than Tom being bathed.
Well, that’s about the long short of it I suppose. I’m sure I’m lacking a few details you would all enjoy reading about but tough shit. You get what I give you.
Love you guys and I will talk to each and everyone of you soon.
So the last time we spoke, the Skingerts were in Edmonton getting ready to set out on the road once again. The drive to Calgary was uneventful. It was your run of the mill three hour drive through cowboy country.
We stopped in Calgary for a quick visit with some of my family. What I had originally thought would be a short afternoon with my Aunt Jen and Uncle George actually turned out to be somewhat of a small family reunion. Aunt Jen, knowing that I would be showing up (later than she expected unfortunately), had invited over her daughter Laurie and Laurie’s two sons Benjamin and Nathaniel, as well as my dear cousin Jolene and her husband Justin. It was such a great visit because it had been easily at least ten years since I had seen Laurie and her family and probably about seven years since I had last seen Jolene. It was particularly nice to visit with Jolene because when we both lived in P.E.I. many moons ago we used to spend a good deal of time together. It was also wonderful to see my Aunt Jen. Unfortunately, my Uncle George, who is one of my most favorite people on earth had left for P.E.I. the day before we got there, so I had missed him by one day.
So after a visit that was much too short we left and decided that we would head towards Banff and stay at one of the campsites there. Once we got to Banff, however, we realized we still had a good hour or so of driving left in us so we wound up driving to Lake Louise and spent the night there.
Lake Louise was not what I had hoped it would be. Although staying overnight in the Rockies was amazing. To be surrounded by such wonders of nature is indescribable. Unfortunately, it was rainy and freezing and all but one of the campsite’s washrooms were closed so it was at least a ten minute walk to take a shit. We had kind of been discussing the possibility of staying in the Rockies one more night but the weather and lack of facilities inspired us to make the push to Penticton.
So about six hours after leaving Lake Louise on Monday morning we were in Penticton hanging out with my grandmother.
The drive here was amazing and the truck handled the tightly wound roads and steep hills better than we had hoped. Actually, I had remembered the drive through the mountains as being more treacherous but the roads were probably some of the best roads we traveled on in all of Canada. We were also lucky because the weather was nice and we got a pretty clear view of the mountains as we drove through.
So far our stay in Penticton has been incredible, in a relaxing and rejuvenating way. Matt and I have spent most of our time chatting with Oma and being fed delicious meals, like roasts and lamb chops and home-made sausages. Matt has also been spending a lot of time helping Oma with her computer. She had a few viruses and what not but Matt has stepped in and exterminated them in his very thorough and diligent way.
Matt and I were also lucky enough to go for a long bike ride on the Trans Canada Trail through the mountains towards Naramata. It’s a beautiful trail through vineyards and orchards with a breath taking view of the mountains and Okanagan Lake. It was also an incredibly hot day with short bursts of rain, so just when you thought you couldn’t bike any further the sky opened up and unleashed a few moments of rain just long enough to cool you off again. It’s moments like these that make me so excited to be living in B.C.
Tom is also enjoying his stay here, visiting with his great grandmother. She really won him over when she sacrificed one of her small rugs for him to lay on and cover with fur. Unfortunately, Tom has acquired a taste for west coast grass and to his embarrassment, his over indulgence resulted in a small puke fest in the living room. So, Matt, Oma and I entertained ourselves while he was bathed in the wash basin in the back yard. I have to say, there is nothing funnier than Tom being bathed.
Well, that’s about the long short of it I suppose. I’m sure I’m lacking a few details you would all enjoy reading about but tough shit. You get what I give you.
Love you guys and I will talk to each and everyone of you soon.
June 8
Well, I should be getting ready to get back on the road but sometimes blogging takes precedence.
Matt, Tom and I are leaving Edmonton today. We'll be heading to Calgary for a quick visit with my Uncle George. We are hoping to get to Banff National Park tonight.
I think we'll stop one more night before we get to Penticton, where my grandmother lives. Then we only have about five hours left to go before we get to Vancouver.
So, I'm sure once we get to Penticton I'll have another update and some pictures.
Take care everyone and we'll be talking to you soon.
Matt, Tom and I are leaving Edmonton today. We'll be heading to Calgary for a quick visit with my Uncle George. We are hoping to get to Banff National Park tonight.
I think we'll stop one more night before we get to Penticton, where my grandmother lives. Then we only have about five hours left to go before we get to Vancouver.
So, I'm sure once we get to Penticton I'll have another update and some pictures.
Take care everyone and we'll be talking to you soon.
June 7
Edmonton. Makes me feel dirty. Maybe it's because I haven't been showering regularly since we've been on the road or maybe it's the weird smell in the air here, the smell of money and germs. You know, like when you've been holding a handful of coins and your palm gets all sweaty and the coins become warm. Edmonton smells like that.
On the other hand, it's crazy to think that Matt, Tom and I have made it this far. Edmonton may suck but at least we're here.
Our last two days on the road were pretty intensive. After we left Kakabeka Falls in Ontario we devoted ourselves to the road and made it to Riding Mountain National Park in Manitoba. It took us about ten hours but the drive was worth it. Riding Mountain is a beautiful park and if we might of had more time I would have loved to have stayed longer. The park is huge and offers a huge selection of different outdoor activities for every skill level and an authentic sense of being a part of the wilderness. I mean, we were in the camper area of the park and we had a white tail deer run right down the road by our campsite. So just imagine what it would be like to do some backcounty hiking or biking there. If I ever make it back I'll be bringing a sturdy set of leg muscles and some bear spray.
So we spent our night there and were off on the roads by around 9 am. We had decided the night before that it might not be that difficult for us to drive to Edmonton, where Matt's cousin lives. It's about 900 km and most of it is in a straight line so we decided to give it a go and arrived here around 1030 pm.
It was great to crawl into bed after being on the road for so long. Matt and I must have been exhausted because neither of us noticed that the air mattress we were sleeping on had deflated. We woke the next morning with nothing left of the air mattress except a giant piece of plastic. Tonight we'll remember to put the cap to the air valve on.
As for today. Well, we did what any Edmontonian would do on a Saturday, we went to West Edmonton Mall and had lunch at Hooters. I love that place. The wings, the sleazy guys and the giant, white slouch socks. It's all just so good. My favorite is when parents bring their children there to eat. There were a tonne of families with kids there today. Seriously, do you really consider Hooters family dining?
Anyway, Edmonton is creepy and West Edmonton Mall doesn't help. It was probably my second time there since I was about nine. I remember it then as being this awesome mecca of fun with a rink that the Oilers would occasionally practice on and a pirate ship and wave pool that I was never allowed to go in, but now it just reminded me of how awful I am and what a naive and oblivious society we live in. There were so many people there, all mindlessly spending their hard earned money on things that will only give them a temporary sense of euphoria. I don't know, I just wish people had different priorities. I wish I had different priorities.
To say the least I really didn't like being there. Being at that mall felt like when your watching a show on TV, and when the commercials come on they are ten times louder then the program you were watching. Only, at West Edmonton Mall you can't turn the volume down.
But enough shitting on Edmonton. It's not all bad. It has Ian, Matt's cousin, who has been an awesome host. And has been kind enough to let the Skingert family infiltrate his house for a couple of days.
Right. Well this has far reached it's quantity quota so I'll go. Be warned, Matt and I are on the road again tomorrow and I won't have access to internet until we get to Penticton in a couple of days. So hang in there. We'll be talking soon.
NEW! Official Wildlife Count
Trucker bombs - lost count (sometimes it's had to tell if it's ice tea or urine)
Moose - 3
Dear - 7
Bear - 3
Wild Turkey - 1
Turtle - 1
Falcon - 2
Llamas - a lot
Wolf - 1
June 5
So Matt, Tom and I are on the road again. We are happily leaving Ontario and heading towards Winnipeg. We stayed at this really nice capmground last night in Kakabecka Falls which is just outside Thunder Bay.
Yesterday’s weather was rainy and grey but we did manage to get out for a walk in the park and make supper outside. It was actually really fun despite the cold, damp weather with Matt, Tom and I all huddled together under a tarp, sitting at the pcinic table heating up our canned soup and munching on veggies and hummus. Once it started to get dark, the three of us all crawled into the warm, dry truck to watch some episodes of News Radio on my computer.
It was a great end to a rather uncomfortable day. The driving itself wasn’t bad but the mopey weather and the horrible night’s sleep we all got the night before made it a very long day. Matt and I were both exhausted after being tormented all night by mosquitoes buzzing around our heads and a sweet but rather pudgey dog who thinks he’s entitled to half the bed. So it was nice to finally get to our campsite, make some supper and not think about driving for a little while. Also, Matt made a special bed in the front seat for Tom to sleep on. Although he was initially a little insulted that we didn’t want him to sleep with us he settled in and we all had a great night’s sleep.
So here we are on the road again. It’s officially been a week since Matt and I left Nova Scotia and we’ve got about 3500 km under our belt. Matt and I keep busy on the road by looking for trucker bombs and wildlife. Here’s the official count so far:
• Trucker bombs – 5
• Moose – 3
• Deer – 3
• Bear – 1 Mama and her 2 cubs
• Wild Turkey – 1
I haven’t decided yet which has been my favorite, it’s a toss up between the bears and the wild turkey. I’ve also developed this uncontrollable compulsion to wave at the animals when I see them. I know how ridiculous this is but I can’t help it, I’m so excited to see them.
Anyway, I’m currently neglecting my co-pilot duties so I should go. Matt, Tom and I love you all and hope that everything is well for you guys. We will be talking to you soon.
June 3
There’s a million mosquitos having a feista in the truck with Tom and me. Apparently bugs are bad in this area of the country. Rightly so I suppose since we are camped right beside one of the greatest lakes in the world (that pun was for you Holly). Yup, that’s right we are about a half hour outside of Sault Sainte Marie in Bastawaka, Ontario. I could hork a loogie from where I’m lying into Lake Superior. Awesome.
The drive today was fantastic and I believe Matt and I owe that in part to the delicious roasted turkey lunches Matt’s aunts made for us. I’m also sure the nice weather, well maintained roads and very little wind had a part in it as well. The GPS and I are even getting along a lot better today. It was a rough start but she’s been right on with the directions lately. I still hate that freaking voice though. Really, who sounds like that besides Jessica Rabbitt.
Anyway, I think Matt, Tom and I are going to try and figure out how to get comfortable and watch a movie in the back of the truck. Hopefully nobody will have to get up to pee because getting in and out of the truck with everyone in it is such a clusterfuck.
Well I suppose that’s enough for now. We all love you guys and miss you and we will be talking again soon.
June 2
Just a quick note to let everyone know Team Skingert is leaving Ottawa today as planned. Ottawa was fun but Vancouver is calling our name. So our next stop is Port Carling to visit Matt's aunts and their dogs. Should be dog-a-licious.
Really, I'm just excited to get back on the road.
Talk to everyone soon.
Really, I'm just excited to get back on the road.
Talk to everyone soon.
June 1
My sweet little ladybug, Natalie wrote me a beautiful little ladybug song and she agreed to let me share it with you. Enjoy.
goodbye song by natalie jean
o i didn't get to say goodbye
i'm happy that you didn't die
but i wanted to see you
before you made your big move
o charity you gave so much to me
so i cried in my morning tea
sang my songs in the saddest key
hope you know how much you gave to me
it's a long road that you are on
to the new you've been dreaming of
i wish i was in that dream
you and i make a good team
charity for the giving now she's gone
did i take to much from you
you're the one i would run to
all those days and nights when i was blue
you would give me love
hope i gave you love in return
oh i hurts to say return
please return please return
come back and get me
charity for the giving now she's gone
guess sometimes you got to let go
but there's something i want you to know
you are the best of best for me
o i don't want to make you cry
this is just the way i'll say goodbye
till we meet again on a coast
want you to know you are the one i love the most
charity you gave so much to me
May 31
This is one of many lessons I learned during our first day bumming around Ottawa. I also learned that sometimes the National Gallery of Canada can be a scary place with ample opportunity for blood hungry axe murderers to hide in dark corners and wait for an unsuspecting art lover to kidnap and chop into a million pieces. But that's a whole other blog entry.
In any case, yesterday was a ton of fun. Matt and I started our days with long awaited showers. I won't lie that was probably the highlight of my day considering I hadn't showered in about four days. Once we were all squeaky clean like little rubber duckies, we (Matt, Ryan, Aaran and I) all headed out for lunch at the Atomic Rooster.
After we filled our bellies with greasy, eggy goodness we made our way to the National Gallery of Canada, which is quite possibly one of my most favorite places on earth. They have recently installed this amazing sculpture outside the gallery called Maman by Louise Bourgeois. It's a giant, iron spider with long lanky legs and a sac full of white eggs. Seeing this giant spider as you walk up to the gallery causes such a weird sense of doom, like at any minute she's going to come alive a wreak havoc on the poor citizens of Ottawa. I love art that scares you a little.
There was another instillation that gave me the same feeling of uncanniness, like that feeling when you know someone is watching you. It is called The Discourse of Elements by a contemperary art group called BGL. It was such a weird and creepy piece with all of these dark corners and hidden passage ways. Walking through it felt like one of those lucid dreams where everything feels so real and yet so impossible and crazy. It was amazing.
So once we were all feeling pretentious and artsy enough we all headed down to the Brigg for some beer to help dumb us back down. When we were all sufficiently stupid again we headed home to consume more liquor and get ready for dinner. Aaran made a reservation for us at Oz Kafe, a very busy and very delicious restaurant. It was such a nice evening of yummy, beautiful food, wine and beer and a lot of inappropriate conversations. Yes, this is where the dead baby jokes come in but I will spare you all the horrific sense of humor I have.
And well, that about wraps up our first day in Ottawa. I think today is going to be little more low key. I'm sure we'll probably hit up the market for bit and there was some talk about going to see Iron Man. Either way I'm looking forward to my second day in Ottawa.
I love this city.
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