
November 29

A typical Saturday night for me includes:
  • Putting on make-up
  • Drinking beer
  • And lip synching to Nick Cave.
It may or may not be crucial to add that I'm usually doing this alone in my bedroom.

On a completely different note, I've never been able to figure this one out but I've been in love with this man since I was 15.

i know, right?

November 22

Today was the most exhausting day ever. Who knew hand stitching for eight hours straight could be so tiresome? I didn't. I've watched my grandmother hand stitch a quilt while taking care of my sick grandfather AND making supper all at the same time without even blinking an eye!! Oh, how I dream of being equally fabulous...

On the up side - the Rape Relief project is done. C'est fini! And I'm so happy I got to be a part of the project. Now something that I pored my blood (literally), sweat (also meant in a very literal sense), and tears (which, thankfully were not shed) will be displayed at the Vancouver Art Gallery. Go me.

Now I'm going to try and watch the Marriage of Maria Braun by Fassbinder but I'm pretty sure I'll be fast asleep within fifteen minutes. Fassbinder is one of my top ten favorite directors, so here's hoping I make it through at least an hour of the film.



November 18

I think my brain has gone on strike. I've been so busy the last few days and I see no hope of things slowing down anytime soon. Not that I want them to, I like being busy, but dear God I am tired. So, apologies in advanced if this particular blog makes no sense.

Ok. So firstly and most importantly, I got my ticket for the Yeasayer show tomorrow. My sweet little boss ladies at the Raging Bean gave me the ticket, which was a nice little treat. I haven't quite figured out why they decided to help out a little music fanatic like me but I'm assuming it's because I'm so damn awesome. I could be wrong about that though.

In other exciting news, I got to visit with one of my favorite people on Sunday. Zach, who I worked with for years at Dharma Sushi, was in Vancouver for the weekend getting ready to head back to the Maritimes. He'd been traveling the world and was recently living up in Nanimo working at a SCUBA resort. Matt and I met up with him and another good friend from Dharma, who now lives in Vancouver as well, at this little dinner downtown. We ended up going back to Zach's friend's place to drink beer and listen to, of all things, Celtic music. The crappy choice of music aside, it was so great to see Zach and get a little dose of Dharma family love.

What else...

Oh. I've been doing a lot of work at Vancouver Rape Relief lately. I signed on to help out one of my fellow ladies with this art project that will eventually be a part of a bigger art exhibit. So, I've been spending the last few days doing a little sewing, a little painting and a lot of creative thinking. It's so ridiculous how happy being crafty makes me but it's even more thrilling to be involved in something that will eventually hang in the Vancouver Art Gallery. Hells yea.

I'm also working on organizing a cinema night at the cafe I work at. I approached my boss ladies with this idea of letting me keep the cafe open later on Friday nights so I could share my love of film with the world. The cafe is already set up with a projector and a pretty decent sound system and I thought it might be a good opportunity to try and generate more business for the cafe. Anyway, they both liked the idea so now it's just a matter of working out a few minor logistics. I'm thinking of having a different theme every month, like December will be Film Noir Fridays and I'll show movies like the Big Combo and the Maltese Flacon. Then January will be like, oh I don't know... how about Lattes with Lynch? Ok, well I probably won't be showing too many David Lynch films given he loves his films full of gratuitous nudity, but either way, you get the idea.

Ok. Enough blogging. I'm off to watch Robert Frank shorts with Tom.

Love yous!


November 17

i spend about 86% of my waking life worshiping patti smith.


November 8

i compute with such intensity

Here are some things that are sending me into various stages of elation:
  • I'm going to see Dream of Life tomorrow.
  • The Breeders show this week is canceled but Yeasayer is playing next week. So, in either case I still need to spend money I don't really have. Ugh. I've got to do something about my love of music, it's starting to become an expensive addiction.
  • I'm going to see one of the women who wrote the screenplay to one of my all time favorite films speak at Simon Fraser University this Wednesday.
  • This song is currently rocking my world.
  • Long email conversations between friends.
Ok. It's time for bed.
Sweet dreams...


November 7

i just wanted to take this opportunity to post one of my absolute most favorite photos ever taken in all of history.


November 2

sometimes things can get a little out of hand

The Sunday has been taken with rain and I'm feeling quiescent. Matt, Tom and I just got back from a walk to the grocery store and now Matt's in the kitchen making Sheppard's Pie. Maybe it's the ginger tea I'm drinking, or the fact that I don't have to make supper but I feel that it's been a very successful, reposeful Sunday. And after the craziness of these past few weeks, I couldn't be happier.

So what have I been up to, you ask? Well, a few things. I went and saw Lykke Li on Tuesday while simultaneously celebrating Cynthia's birthday. It was an amazing show and a super fun night. Erin, Janina, Nathalie, Cynthia and I all put on our best faces and got a little crazy. We danced, we drank whiskey and mouthed off more than we probably should have. I also purchased what is now one of my most cherished articles of clothing at the show.

Halloween was fun. Nick, Cynthia and I all carved our pumpkins with great pride and transformed the house into a haunted mansion James Whale would have been proud of. I dressed up like a zombie. There were a few plot holes in my costume, like how I got the screw stuck in my head backwards, but I figure people would be too busy running in terror from me to even wonder in the first place. I spent most of the night hiding in the bush in front of our house, ravenous for unsuspecting little kid brains. Cynthia, in her Mistress of Death costume, handed out candy. I think overall we put on a pretty good show. Like I said before, we made two kids cry and one scrawny little coward run away. Unfortunately we didn't get as many kids as we thought we would and now we are living off a large supply of Tootsie Rolls and Satrburst candies.

Last night we went glow in the dark bowling for Cynthia's post-birthday celebration, which was super fun. My butt muscles hurt like a mother today but it's worth it. I forgot how much fun bowling can be. We also went out for Mexican food, which was unfortunately a little less spectacular than the bowling but we had a pretty nice group of people so it was good to get out and see people we don't normally see on a regualr basis.

Other than those big things my days have been filled with many little things, like working, going to the library and walking Tom around Trout Lake. I'm sure there are some things that I'm missing but I want to go and make a playlist in iTunes that reminds me of quaint winter cottages, snow and curling up in front of the fireplace with a hot mug of rooibos tea (in celebration of November).

Some asides:
  • the Breeders are playing here in a few days. Should I spend money I don't really have to go see them?
  • I got a book out from the library called 'Bukowski in Pictures', which I look at at least five times a day.
  • Going to see Let the Right One In tomorrow. Very excited about this film.
  • I also need to see this movie.
  • My parents booked tickets for their west coast Christmas visit. Woo!
  • I've been listening to a lot of Sarah Vaughn. She gets me in the mood for winter.

Ok. Love you guys!